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Magnet schools have a focused theme and aligned curricula in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Fine and Performing Arts, International Baccalaureate, International Studies, MicroSociety, Career and Technical Education (CTE), World Languages (immersion and non-immersion) and many others. Magnet schools are typically more “hands on – minds on” and use an approach to learning that is inquiry or performance/project based. They use state, district, or Common Core standards in all subject areas, however, they are taught within the overall theme of the school.

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San Diego South Bay Schools Network

South Bay Magnet Schools

Chula Vista 

Sweetwater Union HS District is the only South Bay district that offers magnet programs. If interested in enrolling in one of these school on an inter- or intra- district transfer, please contact the registrar at the school you're interested in.

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